看到左耳朵耗子的一篇文章程序员如何把控自己的职业, 里边提到了Google SRE的评分卡, 用于招聘时软件工程师对自己技能水平的评估, 总共分为11个等级:
- You are unfamiliar with the subject area.
- 对相关的技术领域还不熟悉
- You can read/understand the most fundamental aspects of the subject area.
- 能够读懂相关领域相关的基础知识
- Ability to implement small changes, understand basic principles and able to figure out additional details with minimal help.
- 可以实现一些小的改动,清楚基本的原理,并能够在简单的指导下自己找到更多的细节
- Basic proficiency in a subject area without relying on help.
- 基本精通一个技术领域, 完全不需要别人的帮助
- You are comfirtable with the subject area and all routine work on it: For software areas - ability to develop medium programs using all basic language features w/o book, awareness of more esoteric feature(with book).
For systems areas - understanding of many fundamentals of networking and systems administration, ability to run a small network of system including recovery, debugging and nontrivial troubleshooting that relies on the knowledge of internals.
- 对这个技术领域非常的熟悉和舒适,可以应对和完成所有的日常工作
- 对于软件领域 – 有能力开发中等规模的程序,能够熟练和掌握并使用所有的语言特性,而不是需要翻书,并且能够找到所有的冷知识
- 对于系统领域 – 掌握网络和系统管理的很多基础知识,并能够掌握一些内核知识以运维一个小型的网络系统,包括恢复、调试和能解决一些不常见的故障。
- An even lower degree of reliance on reference materials. Deeper skills in a field or specific technology in the subject area.
- 对于该技术领域有非常底层的了解和深入的技能
- Ability to develop large programs and systems from scratch. Understanding of low level details and internals. Ability to design / deploy most large, distributed systems from scratch.
- 能够从零开发大型程序和系统。理解底层和内部细节。能够从零设计和部署大型分布式系统
- You understand and make use of most lesser known language features, technologies, and associated internals. Ability to automate significant amounts of systems administration.
- 理解并能利用高级技术,以及相关的内在原理,并可以从根本上自动化大量的系统管理和运维工作
- Deep understanding of corner cases, esoteric features, protocols and systems including “theory of operation”. Demonstrated ability to design, deploy and own very critical or large infrastructure, build accompanying automation.
- 对于一些边角和晦涩的技术、协议和系统工作原理有很深入的理解和经验。能够设计,部署并负责非常关键以及规模很大的基础设施,并能够构建相应的自动化设施
- Could have written the book about the subject area but didn’t; works with standards committees on defining new standards and methodologies.
- 能够在该技术领域出一本经典的书。并和标准委员会的人一起工作制定相关的技术标准和方法
- Wrote the book on the subject area(there actually has to be a book). Recognized industry expert in the field, might have invented it
- 在该领域写过一本书,被业内尊为专家,并是该技术的发明人
1 | – TCP/IP Networking (OSI stack, DNS etc) |
看到这个自评表, 对照下自己的技能水平, 瞬间感觉路途慢慢了. 需要提升学习的东西太多了.
SRE(Site Reliability Engineering), 直译过来就是现场可靠性工程, 最开始由Google发起的运维大型分布式系统一整套流程与方法, 有点类似于云服务运维中的DevOps, 目前有很多大公司如Facebook/Netflix等都在使用.
说到SRE, 这里有一篇十分值得一看的文章, 里边大概描述了什么是SRE以及Google是如何招聘SRE工程师: 什么样的人才是Google需要的; 如何面试;如何做出招聘的决策, 文章讲了很多方法与流程, 最终的目的就是要招聘到符合Google要求的人才, 为Google的发展注入动力. Google始终秉承着”宁可不招人, 也不要招错人”, “新招聘的候选人需要比已有团队的员工能力要更突出”的要求, 在人才的储备上下了很多功夫. 整篇文章看下来, 不得不佩服顶级互联网公司在人才培养方面的用心用力, 也正是这种严格高标准的人才招聘才不断的推动Google公司的业务发展.